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Mapping of organic breeding initiatives in Europe

In a desk study based on web search, online survey, partner and expert interviews we mapped existing organic plant and animal breeding initiatives. The initial mapping of the plant breeding initiatives was conducted in the scope of LIVESEED (Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement No 727230).

This geographic mapping allow to get an overview of the present breeding activities, to improve networking and exchange between initiatives on European level and to identify breeding gaps. Please contact us if your organisation is missing or not correctly displayed.

Map - Plant Breeding Initiatives

You can also consult the map (full screen display) at https://mariateresalazzaro.github.io/Engagement.Biobreeding-Map/ 

Map - Livestock Breeding Initiatives

You can also consult the map (full screen display) at https://mariateresalazzaro.github.io/OrganicLivestockBreeding_map/

Relevant networking organizations for Organic Breeding

At European level

European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding (ECO-PB)

European Consortium for Organic Animal Breeding (ECO-AB)

With relevance for Europe

IFOAM - Seeds Platform

IFOAM - Animal husbandry alliance

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